
I have a hard time defining myself. I’m interested in a lot of things, do a lot of things. None of them is good enough to tag on myself, yet none of them is that bad to be negligible. Yeah you just hit a normal guy.

I’m INTP type of person, and I agree with that. Typing is always better than real-time conversation for me because it leaves me more space for in-depth thinking. I have jumping thoughts, because things become really interesting when I think into lots of whys behind them, whys of whys, then it starts to move laterally. I don’t like making plans (but plans are okay).

I’m a slow thinker. I used to be suspicious of it, thinking I’m kind of stupid. But now I realize that it’s just my brain taking more time to absorb new things into my system, deeper. I love my brain ever since.

I’m a software engineer at Microsoft. Despite it builds bloated software and sucks at naming things, I still like working there because the impact of such gaint is just not neglectable. Even if I only commit to making my fellow developers work better, you’re looking at a few hundred thousand people there, and nothing is better than helping people.

I’m really into offensive security, though working in the opposite area took most of my time and I was not able to spend all of my spare time on it, there’s not much to brag about. I hope one day I could be someone in this area.

I love soul-like games (Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, Elden Ring, Bloodborn etc.) but I can only play up to Journey 3 (non-gamers: every playthrough is counted one journey, carrying stuff you’ve earned from previous journey) because I literally lose interest when I know what’s ahead after the first playthrough. The rest two journeys are basically for full achievements to pay my respect to the game maker, or challenge myself if it’s hard enough.


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